Digital Library of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science (NSC-lib project of SB RAS).
Information and telecommunication environment of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science (NSC-Net project of RFBR and OSI).
Digital library "Digital atlas 'Biological Diversity of Flora and Fauna of Siberia'", part of Digital Library of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science (project of RFBR and SB RAS).
Integral digital library on spatial structures of DNA, RNA and proteins, part of Digital Library of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science (project of RFBR).
Electronic mathematical journals of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science - the project is intended for automation and development of the full-text databases for the given scientific publications (project of SB RAS).
Theoretical substantiation and realisation of efficient and provably safe information protection methods for full-text
databases in the Internet environment - the project is intended for development of the information safety system for full-text databases in the Internet environment (project of RFBR).
Development of the digital library of the MPSTL of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science (project of RFBR and SB RAS).
Euromath Network and Services for the New Independent States, Siberia and the Far Eastern region: Information system for support of mathematical studies (project INTAS).