Conference devoted to the 90th anniversary of Alexei A. Lyapunov

Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, October 8-11, 2001,
(state registration number 0320300064)



Study of a Scientific Heritage of A.A. Lyapunov In the field of Machine Translation And Mathematical Linguistics as an Element of Formation of the Students-Linguists Information Culture

Tokareva O.V.

Barnaul State Pedagogical University (Barnaul)

The mankind has entered XXI century - era of information and computerization, which has touched all spheres of human activity, including education. With the purpose of formation of information culture of growing up generation the subject "Computer science" is entered into the educational plans of average and higher schools and the provisional list of investigated sections is authorized.

In a higher school the study of computer science is stipulated not only for the students natural both technical directions and specialities, but also for humanitarian, such as philology, philosophy, linguistics, history, the jurisprudence etc. And as in a basis of information technologies lays the mathematical device, for the students of these directions the complex discipline " Mathematics and computer science " is entered. Its study is directed on creation at the students of general scientific outlook, complete representation about the basic stages development of modern mathematics and computer science and their structure, about the basic concepts and methods, about a role and place of these sciences in conditions development of an information society.

The important element of formation of information culture of the students - linguists is the study of a history of computer science. It is necessary to note, that not enough attention, first, because of limitation of educational time is usually given to the given question, secondly, in connection with unsufficient by representation of this theme in the manuals, thirdly, because of weak preparation in the field of a history of a science of teachers of computer science. Originally in the textbooks was not mentioned at all a history of computer science, and in the textbooks of last years evolution of computer facilities as a rule is considered, that poorly interests students.

Therefore on occupations on computer science for the students of faculty of foreign languages of the Barnaul state pedagogical university we try more often to pay attention not so much to stages of development of means, but on technologies caused by opportunities of these means, we examine a history of mother of computer science - cybernetics, paths of its development in our country, contribution of the foreign and domestic scientists in occurrence and development of cybernetics, computer science and computer technologies.

And as at faculty prepare the future teachers - linguists and interpreters, for them the large interest represents a name of the domestic scientist Alexei Andreevich Lyapunov, which was one of the founders of cybernetics and considered, that behind computers - the future. He has made a lot for rehabilitation of cybernetics in our country and its further development, for application of principles of cybernetics both modeling in biology and linguistics much.

For the students - linguists it is interesting that the first COMPUTERS were used not only for accounts, but also for translation of the simple offers at first from Russian into English (USA, Georgetown experiment by the computer IBM 701), and later in our country from English into Russian (made by I.K. Belskaya, I.S. Muchina, L.N. Korolev, S.N. Razumovski, S.A. Lebedev, computer "BESM") and from French into Russian (works under a management of O.S. Kulagina, the follower of A.A. Lyapunov, computer "Strela").

The idea of machine translation (MT) has formed the basis creation and development of many linguistic researches, basis of the future computer technologies of processing of the text information and human-computer interaction. In clause "About some methodological questions concerning machine translation" Lyapunov wrote, that "the problematic MT as such does not become covered and does not coincide neither with a problematic by one only linguistics, nor with a problematic by one only of cybernetics" [1]. Further he marked, that the productivity of development in area MT depends on use both linguistic, and mathematical-cybernetic methods, and it quite often results in statement of new tasks concerning again as that, and to other science. Developing the ideas in the field of application MT, Lyapunov assumed, that the influence MT on natural languages will begin, as the authors of the texts interested in them wider and fast distribution, will adapt the language to MT.

So on a joint of mathematics, cybernetics and the linguistics have appeared and successfully develop mathematical linguistics, applied or computer linguistics. They study all aspects of interaction of the man with computer environment (programming languages and languages of human-computer interaction), technology of text transformation (creation and editing of the text documents, recognition of the text and oral speech, check of spelling, machine translation from one language into another).

The development of technologies in this area now goes in two directions:

1. Systems of artificial intelligence is further development of cybernetics (MT, recognition of the text and speech, check of spelling).

2. Intellectualization of the user interface (development of means of dialogue in natural language, speech input, means of recognition of images).

And the students should know, that this technologies were based still at 50-60 years of XX c., and the large merit in them development belongs Alexei Andreevich Lyapunov and his followers.

The literature.

[1] Lyapunov A.A. In book: About some questions of theoretical cybernetics and algorithms of programming. Novosibirsk, 1971. P. 67-94 (Together with G.P. Bagrinovski and O.S. Kulagina).

P.S. This text was translated from Russian into English with the help of computer (Program "Magic Goody").

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Note. Abstracts are published in author's edition


©2001, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk
©2001, United Institute of Computer Science SB RAS, Novosibirsk
©2001, Institute of Computational Techologies SB RAS, Novosibirsk
©2001, A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems SB RAS, Novosibirsk
©2001, Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk
©2001, Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk
©2001, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk
©2001, Novosibirsk State University
Last modified 06-Jul-2012 (11:45:21)