International Union for Circumpolar Health
Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of RF
Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Medical Polar Fund “Science”
The Northern Forum

13 International Congress on Circumpolar Health
Gateway to the International Polar Year

June 12 -16, 2006
Proceedings ICCH13
The Absract Book



Dear Colleagues,
I have the pleasure to invite you to the International Congress on Circumpolar Health – 13 (ICCH 13). The Congress will be held in Novosibirsk - one of the greatest scientific, cultural and industrial centers of Russia. The Mission of the Congress is to 1) strengthen the international professional ties between the medical scientists, health care specialists, health administrators, and indigenous peoples of the Far North; 2) enrich the knowledge in the circumpolar health sciences and up to date scientific technologies, and; 3) develop new cooperative projects. The theme for the ICCH 13 is “The North – The Peace Zone”.
The ICCH 13 will serve as the gateway event for the 2007 – 2008 International Polar Year. "What is the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008?" At its most fundamental level, IPY 2007-2008 is envisioned to be an intense, coordinated campaign of polar observations, research, and analysis that will be multidisciplinary in scope and international in participation. IPY 2007-2008 will provide a framework and impetus to undertake projects that normally could not be achieved by any single nation. It allows us to think beyond traditional borders – whether national borders or disciplinary constraints – toward a new level of integrated, cooperative science.
Take advantage of this event, to see the unique places on the Earth – Lake Baikal, Altai, and Lake Teletskoe; to cruise the great Siberian Rivers – the Ob, Yenisei, and Lena; to visit the Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre of world reputation, numerous museums, botanic gardens and the zoo with exclusive collections of plants and animals.
I look forward to meeting you in Novosibirsk in June of 2006!
Warm regards,
Co-chairman of the ICCH 13, President of SB RAMS, Valeri Trufakin

Dear Friends,
Welcome to the 13th International Congress on Circumpolar Health. Please join me as we form the human Gateway to the International Polar Year, here in The North – The Peace Zone.
The international community has looked forward to returning to Novosibirsk since our last meeting here in 1974. Many things have changed since our last visit en masse to Novosibirsk 32 years ago. As we prepare for the International Polar Year, the ICCH 13 could not come at a more influential juncture.
Our research focus has changed from simply describing elements of high latitude regions to in depth analyses of the many trends in climate change and their effect on the human condition. When coupled with the many effects of social and cultural transition, the impact has been vast.
To that end, the International Union for Circumpolar Health has raised human health to one of the major areas of study for the first time in an International Polar Year. Our main focus has been through the Arctic Human Health Initiative, among our many other preparations to maximize the International Polar Year research agenda.
Please join me as we explore the current high latitude regions together and discover how the many changes affect the circumpolar human condition. Let us enjoy the many benefits of ICCH 13 local organizing committee’s efforts, so we can improve the North – The Peace Zone for all future circumpolar peoples.
Warm regards,
Co-chairman of the ICCH 13, President of IUCH, Neil Murphy

The 13 International Congress on Circumpolar Health will take place on June 12-16, 2006, in Novosibirsk (Akademgorodok, House of Scientists SB RAS), Russia, hosted by the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, International Union of Circumpolar Health, Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of RF, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Conference Topics:

The following events will be held during the Congress:
Language: The ICCH13 languages are English and Russian. Presentations and discussions will be conducted in English. ICCH13 materials will be published in English.

Advisory Committee

The Key Note Speakers:


The 13 International Congress on Circumpolar Health will take place on June 12-16, 2006, in Novosibirsk in the House of Scientists of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Akademgorodok, Russia - about a 40 KM (~ 1 hour) drive from Novosibirsk. More detailed information about the 13 ICCH schedule will be given later.

Programm Committee:

Programm Committee of Congress

Organizing Committee:

Sergey Krivoschekov

Submit and Registration:

The Abstract deadline for publication in the Abstract Book is March 31, 2006. Abstracts submitted after March, 31 can not be published in the Abstract book, but can still be presented at the ICCH13. Late coming Abstracts will still be eligible for publication as a manuscript in the ICCH13 Proceedings, if appropriate criteria are met.

Abstracts (no more than 350 words) can be submitted by e-mailing it to Faxed abstracts will not be considered. The abstracts will be processed by the Organizing Committee. An abstract book will be distributed at the meeting.

Registration is still available after March 31, 2006. The application form will be e-mailed to the registrant. Please contact icch13@soramn.rufor Registration materials.



Additional information:

The International Polar Year

John Hildes Circumpolar Health Awards

Hansen Awards 2006

Travel information

Here you can get the information about Akademgorodok.

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Last update: Monday, 15-Jun-2009 10:44:21 NOVST