Информационная система "Конференции"

The Fifth International Symposium “Modern Problems of Laser Physics” (MPLP’2008)

Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, August 24-30, 2008.

Даты проведения:24.08.2008 - 30.08.2008
Прием заявок на участие до:18.02.2008
Прием докладов до:14.04.2008
URL: http://mplp.laser.nsc.ru


Institute of Laser Physics, SB RAS; Institute of Spectroscopy, RAS; International Laser Center, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University

Информационное письмо

Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce The Fifth International Symposium “Modern Problems of Laser Physics” (MPLP’2008) to be held in Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia on August 24-30, 2008. For further information and update please visit the MPLP'2008 Symposium web-site.

Направления работы конференции

1. New Trends in Laser Physics 2. High-Resolution Spectroscopy and High-Precision Measurements 3. Cold Atoms and Molecules 4. Quantum Optics and Quantum Information 5. Ultrashort Laser Pulses and Physics of Intense and Superintense Laser Fields 6. Novel Nonlinear Optical Phenomena and Ultrafast Dynamics 7. Biophotonics and Its Applications 8. Nanophotonics and Novel Materials of Quantum Electronics 9. Advanced Laser Systems and Their Applications


In accordance with the general tendency of previous MPLP Symposia, the main objective of MPLP2008 is to present the frontiers of modern laser physics and spectroscopy, as well as bring together scientists from all regions of the world to establish fruitful scientific collaboration at regional and global levels. It is planned to discuss the latest achievements and results aimed at the development and refinement of theoretical and experimental methods of laser physics and spectroscopy. The Scientific Program of MPLP'2008 Symposium will include invited talks; oral presentations selected from contributed papers, and contributed papers to be presented at several Poster Sessions. A “round table” will be organized to discuss some problems of laser physics.

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    Дата последней модификации: 06-Dec-2007 (10:04:55)