Mail Forwarding via NA-Net

A message sent to:

will be forwarded to that person's real electronic mail address. If you don't know how to spell someone's first or last name, you can also use one of:

In each case, if there is more than one NA-Net member with the name or names you give in the address, your message will be returned along with a list of NA-Net members whose names match your request and their keys.

Each NA-Net user is assigned a unique "key" which can be used to send mail to that person even if his or her name is not unique. The key is usually (first initial) + (last name) of the user, but sometimes additional initials or even digits are added to prevent conflicts.

If you know a NA-Net user's key, you may also reach them with:

NOTE: The "na." prefix is still accepted, but no longer necessary. Sending mail to "" has the same effect as sending it to "".

Forwarding Mail).

Анатолий М. Федотов
SB RAS Home Page

NA-Net Homepage

© 1996, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences